If you follow the standard or so-called ‘normal' living, you very likely will end up with some kind of chronic disease, being on medications for the rest of your life riddled with scary side effects. Your life will be full of pain, suffering and fear. This life is easy and enjoyable for a while as the body can take a lot of abuse for many years. Eventually in most cases this eat all, do all lifestyle turns into a nightmare and a very sad and lonely end. There will be nobody who can suffer your pain and feel your fears, not even your loved ones. You will be on your own and you may even regret that you didn't choose...
After many years of trying many different things without much direction about 9 years ago I found my motivation. Through some friends I’ve got inspired about natural health. Over the years I learned a tonne of things. I must report that I discovered that about 85% of people have no idea about healthy living. They don’t know what to eat or drink, how to exercise and how to breathe. When they get sick they run to their doctor and blindly stuff themselves with chemical medications mostly ignoring side effects. They don’t do any research and they wonder why their life is full of fear, depression, addictions and pain. The world “stress” is everywhere, but very few know about the emotional,...